The Spectacular Book Tag!

I thought it would be fun to do a book tag. I hope you enjoy it.

The Rules:
1. Answer the questions
2. Tag 3 to 5 bloggers

1. What are your favorite book covers?

2. What are your favorite book titles?
"The Children of Hurin", "A Wrinkle in Time", and "The Hobbit".

3. Have you read a book and didn't know why they named it that and what was the title?
Yes, "How to Train Your Dragon" book 7. The title was "How to Ride a Dragon's Storm".

4. Have you read a book with a character that made you mad?
Meg from a "Wrinkle in Time" made me mad for couple chapters, but she got better.

5. Is there someone or something from a book you would never want to come across?
There are a lot, but I will only name a few. Ringwriaths and Sauron from "Lord of the Rings", a couple dragons from "How to Train Your Dragon", and pretty much any monster from Percy Jackson. I also would not want to come across Horcus, the bad guy from my book.

6. If you could meet a character in person from a book who would it be?
I would probable go with Hiccup from "How to Train Your Dragon". 

7. What book are you currently reading?
The book I am currently reading is "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan.

8. Have you read a book that made you cry?
No, but "How to Betray A Dragon's Hero" almost made me cry. 

9. What is the weirdest book you read? 
Almost all of the books I read are a good weird. ;) The weirdest is probable Percy Jackson.

10. What is the worst book/series you ever read?
By far the worst book I ever read was "The Age of Bronze" by Rob Kidd. You should never ever read that book..Period.

11. If you could only read one more book the entire year what would it be?
That is a hard question. I would have to go with "How to Fight A Dragon's Fury" because it left off with a huge cliff hanger. 

I tag:


  1. Thank you for tagging me, Jonathan! I look forward to doing it. : )

    Well, we definitely don't have the same taste in books, but I still had fun reading your answers. ;)

  2. Good weird? Hehehe.

    Thanks for tagging me Jonathan! I'll get to it as soon as I can. ;)

    1. It is pretty much weird in a good way. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Faith!

  3. Hi Jonathan! (Great name, by the way.) ;) It appears we have some of the same tastes, so I thought I'd pop in and say hello. I'm also a Christian homeschooler, so there's one thing we have in common. I LOVE to read, although I must say I ADORE writing just to put things in perspective. :)


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