The Liebster Award

Recently I was tagged for the Liebster award by Audrey Caylin. Thank you for tagging me!


~ Thank the person who nominated you.
~ Answer the 11 questions they gave you.
~ Name 11 facts about yourself.
~ Nominate 11 bloggers to do this tag, and let them know.
~ Give them 11 questions to answer.

1. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but never have?
Most people don't know this about me, but I always wanted to try break dancing. I don't know why. It just seems cool.

2. Team Cap or Team Iron Man?
I didn't really pick a side before I saw the movie like most people. But I would have to go with Team Cap.

3. What’s your favorite word?
My favorite word is quizzical.  

4. If it could only be one season for an entire year, which would you choose?
I would have to choose fall. I love fall because it rains a lot. It's also cold enough to wear a sweat jacket, but you can still write outside.

5. Laptop or desktop?
I prefer a laptop that way I can write wherever. 

6. What’s your favorite joke?
I can't come up with a specific joke right now.

7. What’s your favorite book of the Bible?
I would probably have to go with Malachi.  

8. What were your favorite novels in middle school?
How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. They're still my favorite series. I never really grew out of them and never will.

9. If you could learn any language, what would it be?

Probably Icelandic or French. I want to visit Iceland and France one day and I think it would be cool to be able to speak some of the language before I went.

10. Which do you like better: thunderstorms or blizzards?
Thunderstorms. I enjoy writing when it's overcast and raining. 

11. What’s someplace you’ve always wanted to visit?
I've wanted to visit New Zealand for a long time now. I want to go and see Hobbiton. 

11 facts

1. I am a Star Wars nerd.

2. I enjoy playing board games.

3. I still enjoy reading middle grade books.

4. I'm a first degree black belt in Taekwondo.

5. I'm going to publish my first book on June 5th.

6. I'm graduating from high school in May.

7. I think it would be fun to try the Skeleton. (As in the Winter Olympic Sport.)

8. I love running long distances.

9. Marvel Studios is better than DC Comics. (in my opinion)

10. My sister says I am a cat whisperer.

11. I'm super excited for skateboarding to be introduced in the 2020 summer Olympics.

My Questions:

1. What is your favorite song?
2. If you could spend the day as a movie or book character, who would it be?
3. What's your favorite season and why?
4. Coffee or tea?
5. What is your favorite TV show?
6. What is your favorite fruit?
7. What was the last movie you watched in the theater?
8. What is your dream job?
9. If you could compete in any Olympic sport (winter or summer) what would it be?
10. What was the last book you read?

11.  If you could travel to any time period what would it be and why?

I tag:

Rebekah Ashleigh

Until next time,


  1. These facts were very enlightening! I did not know your favorite word was quizzical.
    Thanks for tagging me!

  2. I'm glad they were enlightening for you!
    Thanks for commenting, James.

  3. New Zealand does sound like a cool place to visit! Great post!

    1. New Zealand looks beautiful based off pictures.
      I'm glad you like it!

  4. First-degree black belt - impressive! And I still read middle-grade books, too. ;) Some of them are really great. Fun to learn a little more about you!


    1. That's cool that you still read middle grade books too. There are some really fun ones.
      Thanks for commenting, Brianna!

  5. Hmmm…very interesting…I didn’t know all of these things about you.
    That’s great about being a black belt. I’m practically one! ;)
    Thanks for tagging me, Jonathan!

    1. I'm glad you learned something about me.
      I wouldn't say you're practically a black belt. ;)
      Thanks for commenting!

  6. Fun tag! :D Ooooh, Malachi is a good one. Best of luck on your book release!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Faith!
      Thank you for commenting.


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