Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review!!!

       It has been thirty years since the destruction of the Empire. The First Order is trying to take control of the galaxy. The only thing standing there way is a small band of Resistance fighters, a scavenger, An ex-soldier, and a pilot.

Sex- none
Drugs- none

Language- 1 D*mn, 1 H*ll, 1H*ll no

Nudity- none

Violence- Spaceships explode, characters are shot with blasters and punched, cut and stabbed with lightsabers.        Character is shocked. Several explosions.

      First of all I want to say this movie is AWSOME!!! I liked that they had the original actors. I also really like the new actors. The action and humor was really good. I do wish that it had more space battles, but the spaceship battles they had were good.
      A lot of people I know think Kylo Ren should have kept his helmet or should have been played by a different person. They did not like the actor. I on the other hand thought he was a little young, but other than that I thought he was fine.
      So overall Star Wars: The Force Awakens had good acting and filming. Very good adventure and humor. A good story and a cute droid.

I give this movie a 10 out of 10 rating


  1. I'm glad there was some humor worked into the movie too. It made it even more enjoyable. I also love the little droid. He is super cute, but don't get me started on Kylo Ren! That guy ticks me off. I did enjoy the movie though.

    1. Kylo Ren is NOT that bad. If he had a little bit of a beard and mustache he would look older. Besides he has a cool lightsaber. =)

  2. I liked Star Wars too, except Kylo Ren. He's just a kid.

  3. I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I've heard a lot about this one. ;)

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