Hello 2017!

Wow! 2016 is already over. It seems like it just started yesterday. Today I will be sharing some of my goals for this year. Yes, I do know that the first week of 2017 is almost over. But at least I'm actually posting one. :)  Here are my goals for 2017.


Finish all of my drafts of Royal Fire. (My novel.)
Get it off to my beta readers.
Start the publishing process.
Try writing long hand with a new novel. ;)

Grow closer to God.
Read the Bible more often.
Learn to rap. (Christian rap.) (This is a fairly easy goal. Once I get the hang of it I'm going to try free styling.)

Try two new series.
Finish a series.
Broaden my reading horizon.
Read more books that I own.

Post once a week. (Probably on Fridays.)
Get better at blogging.

That about covers it. What are some of your goals? How is your new year so far? Is wanting to learn to rap weird?


  1. These are great goals, Jonathan! :)
    That’s great that you’re planning to finish your book. I’m looking forward to reading it. ;)
    No, I don’t think that learning to wrap is weird. Not at all! It especially comes in handy around Christmas time with all of those presents…Wait! You mean “rap” as in the music! Like the stuff you want to cover your ears during…Ummm…no, I guess learning that isn’t too weird. *wink*

    1. 😆AH HA HA HA! That's funny Rebekah! I know you don't particularly care for rap music.

    2. *is laughing so hard my family is getting concerned* Oh goodness, y'all are fun. :D :D

    3. I'm glad you're looking forward to reading my novel, Rebekah!
      Thanks for commenting.

  2. Nice goals Jonathan. I can't wait to read your book!

  3. Great goals, Jonathan! Looking forward to more posts :)

    1. I'm glad you guys like my goals. Thanks for commenting, Addyson and Faith!

  4. You're going to brave beta readers soon as well?!? That's awesome! :D

    Rapping IS cool (when it's clean, of course) and it's great that you're going to try it! I personally don't listen to it, but I wish you all luck :)

    audrey caylin

    1. Clean rap is awesome. :D
      Thanks for stopping by, Audrey!


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