1st Blogiversary!

In two weeks I will have had my blog for one year! To celebrate I will be doing a question and answer thing. You can submit your questions in the form below. Feel free to submit as many as you like. I will stop receiving questions on January 30th. I will post my answers on February 3rd. Technically the 4th will be one year, but I am going to stay on schedule.

Until next Friday,


  1. I'll be thinking of some questions to ask you, Jonathan!! ;)

    1. I look forward to answering them...I think. :)
      Thanks for commenting, Rebekah!

  2. Eeep! You're having a blogiversery! (I want to know when bloggers came up with this word XD) It seems so many people started a blog in 2016. I have to wait so long for mine to come along, but until then, I'll enjoy everyone elses' ;-)

    I submitted a question, but I'll come back if I think of more :)

    audrey caylin

  3. Cool dude! Congrats of the year of blogging!

  4. Fun!! :D I submitted a couple questions and I'll try to come up with some more.

    1. Thanks for the questions, Faith!
      I look forward to answering them.


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