2016 Bookish Recap Tag

So far my goal for posting on Fridays is going good. In the future I probably won't be posting this late, but today was super busy. Last year Rebekah Ashleigh tagged me for this fun book tag. It was actually only two weeks ago.

~ Rules. ~
-- Include the above button in your post. 
-- Answer the 11 questions. 
-- Use as many book covers as you like. (The correct answer to this question would be ALOT. B-)) 
-- Tag 5-10 people and notify them that they have been tagged. 

~ Questions. ~

// How many books did you read in 2016? (Exact if you know, or approximate if not.) 

I read 16 books this year. Although it seems like I read more.

// Did you set a reading challenge for yourself and, if so, did you meet it?

I did not set a challenge for myself.

// What was your most read genre this year? Least read?

My most read genre was fantasy. I read 12 fantasy books. Everything else I read were 3 fiction books and a biography. 

// What's five of your favorite books from 2016?

"The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan
"Of Pirates and Werewolves" by Isaiah T. Silkwood 
"How to Fight a Dragons Fury" by Cressida Cowell
"The Outcasts" by John Flanagan
"The Sea of Monsters" by Rick Riordan

// What's five of your least favorite books from 2016? 

"The Last Ride" by Susan K. Marlow
 My sister and I traded books and this is what I got. Otherwise I wouldn't have read it. I mean it was okay, but not something I would read again.

"An Acceptable Time" by Madeleine L'engle
 This is the fifth book in the "Wrinkle of Time" series. It was my least favorite of the series.

// What new favorite author did you discover? (Not necessarily that the author is 'new', but that they became new to you this year.) 

Last January I discovered Rick Riordan. *tries to remain calm* He is the best thing since sliced bread. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little bit. But he is (In my opinion.) the best author since J.R.R. Tolkien.

// What's five of your favorite book covers from the year?

// How many books did you purchase for yourself in 2016? (Exact if you know, approximate if not.)
Around thirteen.

// What's the longest book you read in 2016?
"Hood" by Stephen R. Lawhead was 490 pages. 

// What's the shortest book you read in 2016? 
"Christmas in Camelot" by Mary Pope Osborne was 111 pages.

// What's your reading goal for 2017?
Read more and expand my reading horizons.

I tag:
Audrey Caylin 
Jonathan Trout 

 Until next Friday,


  1. Thanks for doing the tag, Jonathan! :)
    I enjoyed reading your answers. Although we sure do have different options on books. ;) “The Last Ride” was one of the best books I read in 2016. :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the tag, Rebekah!
      Yes, we have very different opinions on books.

  2. Wow, you read some awesome books in 2016! I know people who are REALLY into Rick Riordan, but I have yet to crack the spine of one of his books. I've seen the movies (which I have been informed are very inaccurate), but... I'm looking to read some different books this year, so maybe I'll try :)

    I'm sorry I can't do the tag :( But thank you so much for tagging me, and I'll keep my eyes open for another one when I'm not drowning in schoolwork :P

    Great post!

    1. I personally haven't watched the movies, but one of my friends has. He said that they are really inaccurate.
      You should totally try Rick Riordan. I would recommend The Lightning Thief.
      That's okay about the tag.
      Thanks for commenting, Audrey!

  3. I've heard of both John Flanagan and Rick Riordan, but haven't read a book by either of them. The comparison the Tolkien didn't convince me much either, seeing as how I didn't much care for The Hobbit. :P
    The only books I've read here would be The Last Ride and Christmas in Camelot.

    I enjoyed reading the tag! :)

    1. John Flanagan and Rick Riordan are both amazing authors, but you probably wouldn't like either of them.

      I'm glad you enjoyed the tag, Faith!

  4. This is a super interesting post, Jonathan! It's always neat to see how others fared in their book endeavors during the year. The books you read this past year sound awesome! I've heard of Rick Riordan, but I don't think I've ever ACTUALLY looked into his work. So I'll definitely keep that in mind =)

    I enjoyed reading this post!

    autumn's readings + writings

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Autumn!
      Rick Riordan is really good. My favorite book by him is The Lightning Thief.
      Thanks for commenting.

  5. Cool post dude! I think I will check out some of these books and see if they peck my interest

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
      Thanks for commenting, Marrok!


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