January // A Monthly Recap

Wow! It is already February. It's hard to believe we are one month into 2018. Anyways, here is a recap of my month.


January was a great month for writing and editing. I finished the last big edit of Royal Fire. I am super excited! Everything is finally coming together. I have been working on this book for almost two years! It is close to being ready to publish. Hopefully I will announce a release date sometime soon.

- I have been working on a new project a lot this month. This book is going to be the first in a series. 


I read two books this month. They were:

- Fablehaven by Brandon Mull. You can read my review for Fablehaven here

- Capital Gaines by Chip Gaines. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it.


I listened to a lot of music while writing and editing. Most of it was by NF and Taylor Davis.

No Name ~ NF

Let You Down ~ NF (This has been my favorite song for around four months.)
Lie ~ NF
Wilderness ~ Taylor Davis
Light of the Seven ~ Taylor Davis
Hidden Falls ~ Taylor Davis
Tuyo ~ Social Club Misfits

Random Stuff:

- My Mom showed me this amazing quote.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world. - Albert Einstein

- My Brother and I went to a week long government class. We had to do a ton of homework in preparation for the class. Combined with school, it took a long time.

- My brother and I went to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi with some friends. (That movie is utterly amazing!)

How was your month? Did you get any writing done?

Until next time,


  1. That's so exciting that you're making progress on Royal Fire! :D
    I want to read Capital Gaines sometime. I really enjoyed the book he co-wrote with his wife.
    Nice post! :)

    1. I want to read The Magnolia Story too.
      Thank you for commenting, Faith!

  2. Nice!!
    I totally agree with you, "Tuyo" is an AWSOME song!

    1. "Tuyo" is an amazing song!
      Thanks for commenting, James!

  3. Yeah! The Last Jedi was amazing!! I'm glad you liked it.- Jose

    1. The Last Jedi was really good.
      Thank you for commenting!


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