June Highlights

Wow, June is already over. It has been a crazy month. Here are some highlights from my month.

I finished the second draft of Royal Fire!

I gave my book to my alpha readers. I am not really nervous about giving it to my family. I am more anxious to know what they think about it.

I am working on a screenplay for a friend! I'm super excited about it. My brother and I had to write a screenplay for a writing class, but it didn't quite work out. Most of the screenplay went out the window when we made the movie.

I listened a lot to NeedToBreathe and Matthew Parker. Matthew Parker is becoming one of my favorite singers.

I finished one book this month. Tearoom for Two by Susan Page Davis. My sister and I traded books otherwise I probably would not have read it.

I got a Star Wars Shakespeare book. Each Star Wars episode is written like a Shakespeare play and it is hilarious. I would only recommend it if you are a Star Wars fan because it's more funny if you know what they actually say.

Some friends, my brother, and I went to a local Cherry Festival and rode the rides. It was a lot of fun.

My brother and I got back into airsoft wars with our friends.

That about covers it. How was your month?

Until next time,


  1. I like that rainbow picture!! :)
    Congratulations on finishing the second draft of “Royal Fire”! I am looking forward to reading it.
    “Tearoom for Two” might not of been a favorite of yours, but it did expand your reading horizons a bit, right?

    Your new Star Wars books are…interesting, but, Thou thinks that thee shall enjoy these plays of the Star Wars motion pictures. :D

    1. Thank you, Rebekah!
      "Tearoom for Two" was okay, but it did expand my reading horizons.

  2. Congrats on finishing a second draft! And wow, good for you for not being nervous handing it over to people. That always makes me nervous. :P

    1. Thank you, Faith!
      I'll probably be more nervous when I give it to beta readers.

  3. Congrats on that draft! My mom reads my writing pretty regularly these days, but I still get SUPER nervous. I hope you get some awesome feedback from your alpha readers!

    audrey caylin

    1. I thought I would have been more nervous letting people read it for the first time.
      Thank you for commenting, Audrey!


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