Me, Myself, & Bob

From the back cover:
     Phil Vischer's dream, known to the world as VeggieTales, changed the landscape of children's videos. But most people have no idea of the intense struggles its creator would endure as he desperately tried to build -then witnessed the tremendous fall of - a new media empire for God.
     This is a story of dreaming big and working hard, of spectacular success and breathtaking failure, of shouted questions, and, at long last, whispered answers. With trademark wit and heart, Phil shares an amazing story that shows how God can use our failures and the death of a dream to point us toward true success.

     I have my first book review!  This was a good book and I enjoyed reading it. It was really fascinating to learn about the history of VeggieTales. It was interesting to read about what Phil Vishcer did to start VeggieTales and to keep it going. It was amazing see how God can point us to true success with the failure of our dreams. Also Larry the Cucumber was almost a candy bar. 

     Just so you know the first half of the book is really ADD. My mom couldn't finish reading it because it was so ADD. I didn't notice it being that bad. I would recommend this book.


  1. Aw, Veggietales. My childhood right there. :D
    It looks good though. Just one question... what's ADD again?? *feels like I should know* I think I knew at some point and now I have forgotten. :P

    1. I watched VeggieTales when I was younger too! ADD stands for attention deficit disorder. It means a person has a hard time staying focused on one subject for more than a couple minutes at a time. Thanks for commenting!

  2. I. Loved. This. Book. :) My older sister got it because she shares a similar personality with Phil Visher, and I read it 'cause that's what I do when older siblings get books. ;)
    It's nice to hear someone else's opinion on it. Thanks for the post!

    1. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for commenting!


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