The Star Wars Tag!!!

Happy Star Wars day everyone! In honor of this unofficial holiday, I am doing a Star Wars tag.

Sorry about not posting lately. Life has been crazy busy with preparing for a senior recital and trying to finish school before I graduate. But life will be slowing down soon, so I will be getting back to posting regularly.

1. What color of lightsaber blade would you want?
I would probably go with a blue blade or a darksaber.

2. If you were in a space battle which one would you want to be in? Battle over Coruscant, Battle over Yavin 4, or Battle over Naboo.
Out of the three I would want to fly an X-wing in the battle over Yavin 4.

3. If you could fly any spaceship what would it be and why?
The Millenium Falcon. It would be awesome to fly it! (The version from Solo: A Star Wars Story looks really cool.)

4. If you were in a lightsaber duel who would you want on your team?  
Definitely Yoda.

5. What planet would you want to live on.
That is a hard one. Probably either Naboo or Utapau.

6. If you were a padawan learner who would you want as your master?
Qui-Gon Jinn.

7. Would you rather be an alien or droid? What kind?
I don't know. But if I had to choose one I might go with an R2 unit or a Wookiee. (maybe.)

8.  If you were in a land battle which one would you want to be in? Battle of Geonosis, Battle of Nabboo, Battle of Hoth, or Battle of Crait.
By far the battle of Geonosis. It is my favorite battle in the whole Star Wars saga.

If you are a Star Wars fan and want to do the tag, consider yourself tagged.

1. What color of lightsaber would you want?
2. If you were in a space battle which one would you want to be in? Battle over Coruscant, Battle over Yavin 4, or Battle over Naboo.
3. If you could fly any spaceship what would it be and why?
4. If you were in a lightsaber duel who would you want on your team?  
5. What planet would you want to live on.
6. If you were a padawan learner who would you want as your master?
7. Would you rather be an alien or droid? What kind?
8.  If you were in a land battle which one would you want to be in? Battle of Geonosis, Battle of Nabboo, Battle of Hoth, or Battle of Crait.

Until next time,
(may the 4th be with you)


  1. I love the star wars movies! Good job on the post. May the 4th be with you.-June

    1. I love the Star Wars movies too! They are my favorite movies.
      May the 4th be with you.


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