
I know I didn't post last week. Sorry about that. It was a super busy week.

Anyways, in the writing class I'm taking we did some poetry. I do not like poetry at all, but I do like rhymes. Thankfully we got to do some. I decided to share some of my limericks today.

Tog in Fog

There was a Chinese dragon named Tog
Who came out to play in the fog.
The children were not out,
But he did not pout.
Instead he played with the dog.

An Owl Named Morris

There was an old owl named Morris.
Who dreamed of being a florist.
He opened a shop,
But it was a flop.
So he ended up selling a tortoise. 

We also had to write a holiday card with an ABAB rhyme scheme. It just means lines A rhyme and lines B rhymes. My friend and I wrote our card for Easter. Actually he did most of the writing, but I helped.

(a) Hallelujah. He is risen.
(b) Let's go worship Him in praise.
(a) Hell's been burst, He conquered prison.
(b) Signifying better days.

I hope you guys have a wonderful Easter.

Until next Friday,


  1. Hey, these are great! Writing poetry really isn't my thing either, and I'm terrible at making stuff rhyme, so when I do write poetry it's usually free verse or haiku. ;)

    1. Thank you, Faith.
      I have never tried free verse or haiku.


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