A few of My Favorite Things Tag

I was tagged for this fun tag by Rebekah. Thanks for tagging me!
(Please note these are in no particular order.)

The Rules:
-Write down ten of your favorite things
-Tag at least three others!

1. My family

2. Barbecue Sauce
My family says I'm addicted to it, but I'm not. Barbecue sauce goes good on a lot of things. Here are some of my favorite things to put it on. Toast, hamburgers, sandwiches, steak, and tacos.
The brand in the picture is not my most favorite. My mom makes a mean barbecue sauce.

3. Writing
Writing is fun. My favorite genre to write is fantasy.

4. Running Long Distances 
I usually run any where from 1 to 5mi. or sometimes more.

5. Rain
I like the smell of rain. I like running in the rain and listening to it when it hits the barn roof.

6. Listening to Music
I love listening to music.  My favorite kind of music to listen to is Christian rock, Christian rap and Christian hip hop.

7. Building with Lego

8. Cats
I like cats better than dogs.
This is Dastan

9. Watching Movies
I could give you a long list of my favorite movies, but I won't. I will say that my favorite kinds of movies are Marvel superhero and Star Wars.

10. Reading

I'm not going to tag anyone. If you would like to do it go ahead. :)



  1. Thanks for doing the tag! It was fun to read! :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed reading the tag. Actually Rebekah Ashleigh tagged me for it.

  2. Addicted to...BBQ sauce? That's a new one on me. ;)
    You run up to 5 miles...or more??? That's awesome! But... Golly, just the thought makes my legs burn. XD

    I enjoyed this tag!

    1. I'm not addicted to barbecue sauce. It greatly improves the flavor though.

  3. Thanks for doing the tag, Jonathan. I had fun reading your answers. :)
    Umm…You are addicted to barbecue sauce. ;) ;)


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